Marlene Groth

Poem’s by Marlene Groth

Roses Of Sunset Blush

Two rose bushes grew side by side,
Mother planted pink and yellow with pride,
I helped secure the red and white,
A rose garden conversation day and night,
Each sherbert fragrance will enhance,
A true admirer, of a rose entrance.

Each was meant to grow with harmony,
Lovers, gifts of fragrance and power,
Two picked for faith and passion’s hour,
Faith as a promise from the first day to grow,
Passion’s for holding a gold locket to know,
Petals tossed in Mirror Lake,
Riding with the ricochette,
Promises carried from yesterday.

Walking from the library,
Shaded from the grand Oak tree,
A Monarch butterfly on the yellow rose,
He reached for the amber as it grows,
Holding the jubilence of the sun,
Smiles and joy to beam inside,
Love from light that could not hide.

Innocence comes from a heart’s leap of little creations
From a rose to a mountain laural to a song bird’s elation,
Eyes reflection from all that is pure and divine.
The white rose was held for purity,
Wisdom and love with hearts combine.

Fun flying fast with the youth of an eagle’s wing,
Laughter and smiles and a journey fling,
Pink rose was pruned,
With the pastel setting sun in the sky,
My love shimmering for you and reasons why.

The red rose was picked in a passion’s season in time,
Dreams rode like chariots with a wedding bell chime,
The color of Scarlet in Gone With the Wind,
Love caught in a whirlwind, begging to begin.

Now I found my true love with prayer,
Sitting by the roses, in my garden lace chair,
Watercolors of roses rushed from Mirror Lake,
Each rose afloat to the hush to a horizen,
With a sunsets simmering roses, picked two by two,
Teaching us secrets and colors of hues,
Sherbert melted rainbow roses in the sky,
God painted a picture of promises on high,
Fusias, oranges, yellow and white,
Keeping His word and love for might.

Mother’s wisdom of fifty four years,
Our God who loves and mends all tears,
Rose bushes planted side by side,
Beautiful as new buds will grow and reside.

Comments on Roses of Sunset Blush

Dear Greasy Monkey,
Love can be a many splendored thing or it can be a many splintered thing. Certainly when you combine love with our Creator’s love and wisdom for life, it has more of a chance to grow in splendor than to shatter and splinter. I happen to think sunsets of pastel are beautiful and each one is God’s gift of watercolor to remind us that He alone is the painter, sculptor and artist of our lives if we’d only take some time to watch, we’d see what picture is about to be created for our special purpose for life and love.

Procrastination and the Praying Mantis

Procrastination is like the Praying Mantis balancing on a thin limb,
Waiting with anticipation for mandibles to consume a pest within,
He waits
He waits
In the meantime he waits,
Forelegs folded in a prayerful stance
Camouflaged unnoticed in flora and fauna,
Paralized still with a hypnotic glance,
His body thin and waning,
His deliberation dripping to diminish,
Procrastination and this vagabond’s vacation never finish,
And the wind comes whistling west through the leaves and bow,
The mantis neither holds or hides with the blowing gale now,
His decision must be made with conviction unafraid,
Or an aimless wind carries him through every grass and blade,
For when procrastination and the Praying Mantis hang around,
It’s without a doubt the wind will bring them down.

Inspired by the Blizzard of ’96


Silent with snow
Still and serene
Frozen trees stood petrified
Trying to whisper of seasons past
Singing the songs of the artic breeze
Begging the auroras to bestow their rainbow
Pure, white and dignified
Frozen but not forgotten.

Mr. Snowman
Mr. Blizzard Man

Snowballs flying furious and fast
Forming ice creatures hoping to last
Snowball glistening, gleaming tall
Oh, Mr. Blizzard Man, don’t melt at all.

This last poem was accompanied by the picture of the snowman (above) that my fourth graders made right after the blizzard when school was in session for about a day before we were out the next with another big storm. I often write for them and we have fun posting our activities through verse.

Marlene Groth

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